The Ultimate Labor Day Weekend 2022

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The Ultimate Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend, or LDW for short, is around the corner. Are you ready?

To plan the ultimate Labor Day Weekend, you’ll need to choose your celebration, schedule it early, and get there on time. Our list includes tips along the way and some of the top events in the NJ/NY area. 

Let’s dive into each step to create your top Labor Day experience. 

Choose Your Celebration

Everyone celebrates long weekends differently, so we’ve listed below some of the top ways to enjoy LDW 2022.


Some top spots to jet or drive off to for LDW 2022 include:

  • Key West, Florida
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Ocean City, Maryland
  • Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • Cancun, Mexico
  • Miami, Florida
  • New York, New York


If you’re on a budget or want to keep it local, you can set up a comfortable staycation during the 3-day weekend. A few staycation ideas include:

  • Using your backyard for the ultimate BBQ
  • Renting a boat or doing a boat tour and spending a day on the water
  • Going fishing with friends and the kids
  • Trying out whale or dolphin watching if you live near the shore

Local Venues

Plenty of local spots are sure to have something going on for Labor Day. 

Check out:

  • Local beaches and lakes for fireworks
  • Vineyards for food truck events and live music
  • Your town or neighboring towns’ events calendar for things like block parties, fireworks, and parades
  • Concerts and festivals at event centers near you

Check out these lists of LDW events specially made for those in New Jersey and New York.

Plan It Early

If you leave your Labor Day plans for the last minute, you’ll be limited to local options that don’t require tickets. Try to plan your holiday at least two weeks in advance to get a jump on the crowds. 

This includes:

  • Buying tickets
  • Planning your route/travel
  • Informing everyone involved of the details
  • Budgeting for things ahead of time

Get There on Time

Don’t depend on the mercy of traffic this Labor Day Weekend. Contact us at Partners Limos with your plans, and we’ll handle the rest. 

Let us get you to your events in comfort, time, and style. We’re waiting to hear from you!