AI has been a hot topic lately with a lot of talk about how it will affect work, law, and everything in between. Here’s what to expect from AI this fall.
AI at Work
When AI came out to play through tools like ChatGPT, there was a lot of fear in the air about how this would affect jobs – or, more specifically, how it could take them away from humans. Luckily for us live beings, most tech shifts occur on a J-curve. This means there are negative initial results with long-term impact only created through slow steady progress. And this only happens through experimentation and time.
AI has a long way to go before it will become effective enough to stand in for the creativity and judgment of human beings. Until then, the focus will be on using AI to enhance the way we work instead of replacing it.
AI in Healthcare
In the second half of the year, AI in healthcare is expected to improve clinical decision-making. Generative AI (genAI) – AI that creates new content by learning from existing data – will be used for automating administrative tasks like clinical documentation and patient scheduling, which takes up a large chunk of healthcare workers’ schedules.
We also expect advancements in AI tools that help analyze medical images and unstructured data, although we expect the adoption of these tools to be slow. As liability insurance companies know – you can’t be too careful in healthcare.
AI Regulations
Since 2024 is an election year, there’s a lot of uncertainty as to which laws will come into play come 2025. As for the rest of 2024, AI regulation is gaining momentum as ongoing legal battles continue over data privacy and AI’s ethical implications.
In the EU, the EU AI Act is expected to be finalized by December, enforcing stringent new rules on AI transparency and risk categorization. Translation: The EU will ensure that AI technologies are safe, transparent, and respect fundamental human rights.
AI Robots
While we’re still waiting on robots to cook and clean for us, some robots are helping out big industries like healthcare, hospitality, and service. We’ll likely continue to see an increase in AI integration for industrial robots in manufacturing, logistics, and agriculture.
AI in Transportation
When it comes to transportation, we can expect to see AI-driven systems to enhance traffic conditions and improve safety – but there’s no tried, true, and safer way to currently ride than with a professional driver.
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